
Marilyn Geller


In the March/April 2006 issue of

“An obvious and direct effect of the increasing availability of electronic resources in library collections was, and still is, the need to control and manage them. As simple as this task may sound, we, as librarians and library professionals, are still trying—more than a decade after the appearance of these electronically based resources—to find ways to administer these resources with the same comprehensive efficiency as we accomplished with print resources, all with new sets of tools and skills specifically tailored to the resources themselves and the new services these resources create.”—

Marilyn Geller began her professional library career as a cataloger at the Tozzer Library at Harvard University. A bit later in her career, she was a serials cataloger at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Libraries. After many years in academic libraries, Ms. Geller went on to work for Readmore, Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of Blackwell's Information Services, where she was responsible for Internet product development. She also spent several years as an independent consultant and was involved in a variety of projects for subscription agencies, service providers, publishers, non-profit organizations, and libraries.

Ms. Geller is currently Collection Management Librarian for the Lesley University Library in Cambridge, Massachusetts, where her responsibilities include collection development and digital services support.

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