rusq: Vol. 52 Issue 4: p. 343
Sources: Building and Managing E-Book Collections: A How-To-Do-It Manual for Librarians
Pamela Louderback

Assistant Professor/Information Services Librarian, Northeastern State University, Broken Arrow, Oklahoma

The addition of digital formats to libraries has led to major shifts in collection management. The challenging process of selecting, acquiring, and effectively maintaining e-books is made more practicable with the recommendations provided in this how-to resource.

This manual is a practical collection management tool for librarians who work with e-books. It provides a comprehensive treatment of management issues associated with each phase of the process: developing evaluation and selection policies, managing the economic implications of budgeting, negotiating licenses, cataloging, providing access, and assessing e-books use and impact. The book’s overall structure is particularly helpful. It is divided into three sections, covering e-books in context, in detail, and in practice.

In the first section, contributing authors provide an introduction to and history of e-books to establish a framework for the rest of the book. The current state of e-book publishing is also examined. Especially useful is a discussion of the publishing industry’s role in the evolution of e-books and how this shift affects the economic realities of library budgets and collection sustainability.

Section two begins the “how-to-do-it” part by covering the process of starting and maintaining an e-book collection. Throughout this section, the authors provide many helpful tables and lists that are likely to be beneficial during the decision-making process. One particularly valuable table, “Factors affecting cataloging by acquisitions model,” lists potential difficulties and questions that should be asked to help determine whether one’s library has adequate staff time to manage e-books effectively.

The final section offers practical examples based on real-world scenarios. Topics discussed here include patron-driven acquisitions, marketing strategies, innovative circulation approaches, and potential staffing changes due to changing workflow and skill sets. This section also provides helpful tips for successful implementation of an e-book collection in a variety of settings.

Overall, this easy-to-use manual provides valuable guidance and strategies for effective e-book implementation.

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